Garden Series. Check out the herbs that I am growing and my plans for the near future.

Garden Series: What I am Growing

Welcome to my Garden Series. I will be sharing growing tips and ways to use home grown herbs and some veggies.

My wonderful in-laws gave me a couple of herb plants to start my herb garden. I have wanted to start a kitchen garden for a while now but just hadn’t started yet. I am excited to start with these two and expand.

I have this beautiful Rosemary plant. It smells fantastic. I got this useful tip from sandstonelandscapes where I learnt to cut of the tops if it grows more and starts to look “lanky”.  You can learn more here and use many such tips on your garden. I love rosemary olive oil for dipping bread, dried rosemary in many dishes.


I also have this Basil plant. It is much easier than I expected it to be to take care of. It likes to be dry and have the sun during the day. I have been able to prune it back some to encourage new leaves and they are coming in nicely. I have used the basil in pasta sauce and will also be drying it to save for later. I am also excited to make fresh pesto with it, a recipe will follow soon.


I plan to get some bell pepper plants, some ghost peppers for Hubby, and hopefully sweet potatoes. I also want to get some parsley, cilantro and maybe a mint. I can’t wait to have more homegrown things to cook with.

Do you have a garden? What do you grow or what would you like to grow? Let me know in the comments below.